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Scalloped Potato/Ham/Cheese

Here’s a recipe from the 1974 Detroit Tigers players cookbook. Remember a relief pitcher named Chuck Seelbach? Well, this one comes from his Mom. He was a young player back in 68 and when asked for his favorite recipe’s, his Mom sent Chuck and his new wife this one, and if it was good enough for them, it was good enough for me. And after I cooked it, I will forever be in the Seelbach’s debt. Enjoy!


Leftover Ham, cut into pieces…3/4 of a pound will do

1 can mushroom soup

1 cup sour cream

Salt and pepper

4 to 5 decent size Yukon Gold potatoes (sliced raw ½ inch to ¾)

1 vidalia or yellow onion (sliced)

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Combine the soup, sour cream, and the salt and pepper.

In a greased/non-stick sprayed casserole dish, alternate a layer of ham, potatoes, and the onion.

Then cover it all with the soup and sour cream mixture.

If any extra potatoes slices left over, layer on top of soup mixture.

Then cover it all evenly with the cheddar cheese.

Cover loosely with aluminum foil, or cover from casserole dish and cook for 2 hours at 325 degrees.

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