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Bread and Butter Pudding with Irish Whiskey Sauce

This is a really good dessert for anyone who loves a sweet bread pudding. It comes from the “Irish Pub Cookbook,” we purchased at a little shop near Galway. I’m telling you, it’s a winner. It takes a little work but the result is worth it. Give it a try and I’ll bet whoever you serve will ask for the recipe.



½ cup raisins

½ cup Irish Whiskey, (I used Black Bush)

5 large eggs

2 cups heavy (whipping) cream

1 cup sugar

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 package Hawaiian Bread dinner rolls (you’ll use all but about 4)

4 Tablespoons Unsalted butter

Hot Whiskey Sauce

1 stick of unsalted butter

1 cup sugar

6 tablespoons of heavy (whipping) cream

¼ cup Irish Whiskey (I used the Black Bush)

For the pudding, put the raisins in a small bowl and let them soak in the ½ cup of Irish Whiskey for an hour. Butter a 9 inch nonreactive (glass) baking dish.

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, cream, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. Cut the Hawaiian dinner rolls in half, and spread butter on the cut side of the rolls. Arrange the buttered half rolls in the buttered baking dish with the crust side down. Fill the bottom of the dish with the rolls. Drain the raisins and sprinkle half of them over the buttered side of the rolls. Repeat the process for a second layer of buttered half rolls and raisins.

Now, take the custard mixture from the mixing bowl and pour over the rolls and raisins. It may take a couple tries to get it all, but let it soak in. Let it set for 30 minutes.

Pre heat the oven to 400 degrees. Place the baking dish in a large baking pan. Add enough water in the large baking pan to come up to about halfway the sides of the dish with the pudding mixture. In a middle over rack, bake for 50-60 minutes or until top is golden brown. Remove the baking dish from the water in the baking pan, and let it cool on a rack.

For the Irish Whiskey sauce, in a small saucepan over medium heat, melt the stick of butter, mix in the cream, the sugar and a quarter cup of the whiskey that you soaked the raisins in. Whisk the mixture and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes or until it thickens to a sauce consistency. Serve the pudding warm, and drizzle the sauce over each portion.

a piece of cake on a plate

(If you were doing the math…there will probably be a little whiskey left over…don’t waste it! I’ll leave the rest to you)

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