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Super Bowl LVIII – All About Karma

I have a kind of a unique theory and method of picking Super Bowls. Many of you who are friends on facebook, or following me on youtube, or hang out on my website may already be aware that my analytical skills regarding the Super Bowl sometimes give way to…….karma.

Now my idea of karma in these games may be totally opposite of somebody else’s vision of their karma, but, since my karma is the only one I can connect with, this is what you are going to get.

Let me give you a quick example. KC Head Coach Andy Reid first took a team to the Super Bowl in 2004. He and his Philadelphia Eagles lost that one, and he never returned to the big game with the Eagles again. Reid had lots of chances though….he had teams led by Donovan McNabb that should have maybe won multiple Super Bowls but didn’t. After being fired by Philly, and immediately getting picked up by Kansas City, Reid made it back to the big game in 2019. Their opponent was San Francisco. If you’ll remember, KC barely made it out of their first round game to move on and got to the Super Bowl by beating the Titans. They were not the overwhelming favorite to beat the 49ers in that Super Bowl.

That game, by the x’s and o’s was a pick-em game, or an edge to San Francisco. But, in the back of my mind it was just Andy Reid‘s time. He’s a great coach. He’d been so close so many times. For no reason other than that, I thought KC would win it. It’s stupid right? I mean that’s not what I would call analytics, metrics, or talent-based position by position comparison decision making. But, welcome to my world. To me, football is still human, and you never know. Sometime, fate, or weird vibes, or forces from the ethos rear their heads and change the logical.

I can tell you quite honestly that it happened a couple years ago when the Rams won the title with Mathew Stafford. I honestly thought the Rams were not as good as the Bengals. Cinci quarterback Joe Burrow had a fabulous playoff run, and his team was on a roll. But, I had a feeling that Stafford had the “karma edge.” After all his great years in Detroit with nothing to show for them—here he was in his first year with a new team and he had his shot at the big trophy. You all know the rest of the story. Stafford brought the Rams back from a late deficit and won the game. Karma was served!!

Now, to be clear, karma doesn’t happen every year for me. Some years it’s strictly who is playing well, and what I see in the match up that sways me one way or another. Last year was a year like that. I felt KC was going to beat Philly and only an unbelievable game by Jalen Hurts almost got the Eagles over the hump. But it was a non karma year for me.

Some of you out there may have your own karma thoughts that steer you one way or another, but you aren’t writing this, I am. So, you are going to have to bear with me and the invisible forces that cloud my brain for countless hours as I ponder a football game in which I don’t have a particular rooting interest.

So, here is this years Super Bowl pick. I like the 49ers to win the game. The same old factors are going to be key. Who controls the line of scrimmage. Who plays clean and does not turn it over. Who doesn’t make the big penalty. Who stays the most fundamentally sound in tackling, blocking and assignments. All that stuff matters, and it will be a factor, but here’s the karma part that helped me make the pick.

Last year, the 49ers got a terrible break when both their quarterbacks got hurt and they were basically tackling dummies against the Eagles in the NFC title game. It wasn’t even fair. But that’s what it was. This year, the 49ers probably shouldn’t have made it this far. Against the Packers and the Lions, they probably should have lost. Yet, here they are. How do you explain that, other than karma? In my mind, they are riding a wave of good luck, some of it self made, and some of it from the ghosts of pro football past.

The Chiefs on the other hand have been playing their best football of the season. I thought they played a perfect game against the Ravens. Travis Kelce was a beast. Mahomes was at his magician-like best. Their defense was planned perfectly, and executed without a flaw. I mean, the Chiefs, based on the playoffs, should be a big favorite. Kansas City has been that good in their three wins to get to the Super bowl…two of them coming on the road. C’mon Kansas City should win right? But, here’s the rub…I just don’t think they can be “near perfect” four straight games in a row. It’s not in the karma

That’s why I am picking the 49ers. It’s the karma thing, which even makes me think I’m nuts sometimes. But, I also need to remind all of you about one other thing.…..the 49ers are really good too! And they haven’t played really good yet. Call me crazy…many of you will…and not without good reason, but I like the 49ers and I’m sticking with it. Enjoy the game everyone!



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